West Andersonville Neighbors Together

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Keeping the Local Story Going

WANT was recently contacted by neighbors from the EARC block club regarding their growing concern for increasing numbers of large national chains coming into the neighborhood, especially along Clark Street. The proposed solution is to introduce and push for legislation regulating the percentage of new “Formula Businesses” that can be established within the area.

The aim is to maintain the unique character of the community and the appeal of the Clark Street commercial district, protect the community’s economic vitality by ensuring a diversity of businesses with sufficient opportunities for small businesses, and fostering the businesses that serve the basic needs of the surrounding neighborhood, rather than those oriented toward tourists or regional shoppers.

WANT has not taken up organized discussion around this topic, but are sharing the information for members to form their own opinion.

They have provided this link to Information about formula business restrictions


Their petition can be found here: https://www.change.org/stopchainsinandersonville