West Andersonville Neighbors Together

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Volunteers Needed! Before, During and After Ghostly Garden!


Sat Oct 14, 2023– Sat Oct 28, 2023

Another year, another Ghostly Garden! West Andersonville Neighbors Together will host our annual Ghostly Garden event in our lovely West Andersonville Garden: October 28th from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. This non-scary Halloween event featuring games, prizes and treats is designed for younger children (and a great opportunity for your middle-schoolers and high-schoolers to volunteer!).

The greatest needs are

  1. donations of carved pumpkins (you can pick them up again after the event!) and

  2. volunteers on the day of the event to help decorate the garden (and then de-decorate it), and to assist during the event.

    But there are other opportunities that ask for only a short amount of time but provide tremendous help! Please check out the list and contribute where you can! This is a beloved neighborhood tradition and it's rewarding to be part of making it happen.